Chris Tagging Cow



Chris Recoskie, the seal holder plus Garry Voldock and Eric Visneskie are all from Round Lake. Sly Recoskie, the shooter, hails from Pembroke. They have been hunting moose and deer for many seasons – perhaps 25 years. Staying at Round Lake they would waken at 4:00 a.m. for their commute for the elk hunt. Basically they either sat on a watch or still hunted and were rewarded for their efforts on Wednesday September 21, 2011, at 6:18 p.m. when Sly’s HK 770 .308 sent a 150 grain Sierra Flat tail reload on its mission. Although Sly didn’t bring the elk in to the Bancroft volunteer check station for an official weighing he did bring in the elk’s collar – Number 50. It was an older cow and collar from years past. As a group they favour hunting with compound bows. But for elk, given the circumstances of this inaugural hunt, guns proved more reliable for the harvest. Recoskie spoke highly of the local populace saying that he had never met more friendly people. “Scott Wilson and the Kuno’s either told us or showed us what we needed to know,” he said. He also liked the elk hunt set up whereby you first pay the $16.95 to enter the draw for a seal and not the $50 required for the actual licence. He could see a similar benefit to this system being applied to both moose and perhaps deer.  

Courtesy Photo – Chris preparing the seal with Sly.


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