Mink Lake loon



Not nice to realize that in another three weeks it will be almost August. It will be some time before we notice the days getting shorter, but if July and August go as quickly as May and June, summer will not be here long.

While ago I mentioned a loon’s nest in sight of the road at Beaver (now called Bethune) Lake. Well both eggs have hatched, and the little loons can often be seen with the parents, at times getting a free ride on the old loon’s back. I have not checked any of the nests I know in lakes in the Park, but let’s hope they did as well.

A loon was found dead at Kearney. Had not been dead long, and the proper authorities were notified, and the loon was taken away for study. There was however, a fish line in its beak. Looked like the unfortunate bird had swallowed, or attempted to swallow a line with a minnow on it. The line was in its gullet, just about to the sinker, and the fish line was wrapped around its beak. What a shame that such a fine part of the summer would meet such as inglorious end.

Many years ago, at least forty, two loons were caught by fishermen still fishing for lake trout. Each was using minnows for bait. They did not put up much of a struggle, and both were freed of the hook, and went on their way. This happened on Cache Lake in Algonquin Park, and there were several witnesses to each occasion.

On Rain Lake, Saturday I saw a nice flock of mergansers. The type known as American Merganser. Imagine there are more flocks showing up, but not as many as in recent years. These ducks, once known as Saw Bill, or Fish ducks are much in evidence after the young are hatched, but our local broad bill, the Black Duck, disappears as soon as the eggs are hatched, and are seldom seen. On the small rivers years ago, that is the Pine, Petawawa and Nipissing, we would see many flocks of almost grown black ducks, but I have never seen any when they are tiny.

Have heard of a few flocks of partridge, but while I have seen a number of these birds, close to the road, and all females, I have not seen any with small birds. No doubt the little ones were close. One unlucky such bird apparently was hit by a passing vehicle, and it is to be hoped the small ones are old enough to take care of themselves.

Talked to a lady a few days ago who told me where there was an osprey nest, with old birds sitting on same, no doubt hatching eggs. Hope the results are good. We did see one perhaps two near Kearney early in the season, but not since. I have not seen nor heard of an eagle this summer.

Frankford Osprey

We do not see many ravens back in the woods, and the reason is perhaps that they have moved out closer to civilization. I know there are ravens at every dump (garbage) and I imagine since the deer have disappeared there are no wolf kill remains for these birds to live on. It is nice to see them around town. When I was a boy it was so unusual to see a raven, but now they are quite common.

Lots of moose are being seen. No more than last summer, but a lot of people have had good looks at these large members of the deer family.

Was told a few days ago that a lot of deer were being seen. I do know that close to some old farms there are a few deer, but back in the woods they are still very scarce. I know I was over a lot of trail last week and failed to see even one fresh track. But a few are reported seen even back in the woods.

Some report seeing bears or signs of them, but they too are scarce. A bit early to tell how the berry crop will be, but if there are berries we will have bears. But animals are bit like people. They must eat, and if there is better food further away, why not go.

Have not heard of any great success of fishermen. This warm weather should make the bass active, but trout fishermen this last few days are not reporting much luck.

There is one bright spot; the black flies are about all gone. Still a lot of deer flies, also mosquitoes, but except for early and late in the days the flies are not too bad.

 Canadian Mosquito
Canadian Mosquito


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