elk release

THE ELKMAN Chapter 7

LETTER to the EDITOR The following letter to The Bancroft Times was published October 28, 1999. The author proved to be one of the most dynamic supporter volunteers that most programs can only hope for – let alone realize. About 1950 a hunter from Percy Bloom named Frank Midgely and his hunting buddies returned from […]


Bancroft – North Hastings, Ontario, Canada  Time traveller literature has recorded the presence of earthly elk for some 40,000 years. Apparently, there weren’t a lot of elk roaming North America during the glacial age. However, as the glaciers slurped up water from the oceans a land bridge emerged joining Siberia to Alaska. Theory has it […]

bull and cow

THE ELKMAN Chapter 6

THE ELK COMETH The primary site chosen to house the elk was Ginn Lake in Mayo Township. John O’Donnell, Co-Chair of the York River Chapter of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation (RMEF) explained that the marsh and conifer cover was ideal for elk. The compound site features a fresh water creek, good hemlock cover and […]

bull elk

THE ELKMAN Chapter 5

Soft Release? The winter of 1999/2000 had begun slowly, as far a snow accumulation was concerned and it would continue to be so. This would be an advantage to the deer, for example, in that they wouldn’t have to yard up early, if at all, because they would be able to get around with easy […]

THE ELKMAN Chapter 4

Elk, scientifically known as Cervus Elaphus, were native to Ontario, at one time. Thus this re-introduction as versus introduction. Elk belong to the deer family and in Ontario they are second in size only to the moose. Overhunting and loss of habitat to human settlement lead to their extermination in earlier years. The two small […]

THE ELKMAN Chapter 3

In 1970 Joe and Edith bought 100 acres in the Hartsmere area near McArthurs Mills in eastern Ontario. The Lott family homestead had fallen into disrepair and so Joe tore it down. He and Edith then built a chalet into the hillside styled after the Austrian design. They paid $5000. “We never could have afforded […]

former site of Lott homestead

THE ELKMAN Chapter 2

In 1953, at the age of 24, Joe Neuhold immigrated to Canada. “Immigration Canada had set up near the factory where I worked. They were looking for tradesmen. I had found employment as a mechanic, truck driver and farm worker. So I filled out the forms and Canada paid for my trip.” Joe was headed […]


THE ELKMAN Chapter 1

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. Genesis 1:26           The winter […]