Ontario’s airboat duck banding program in which I took part in 2009 for one night requires extensive travel and group work. Based on the advice of the Chief Medical Officer of Health this program was cancelled for 2020. “There is no anticipated impact from this decision. Seven regular banding stations operated by individual contractors did band ducks this summer. Early indications are they banded an average number of ducks in 2020.” (MNRF)

Throughout its history the Ontario Airboat Duck Banding Program has participated in several collaborative research and monitoring opportunities. For example, in 2018 and 2019 it assisted the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in an effort to gain more data on American Black Duck reporting rates. Over the years it has participated in genetic sampling of waterfowl, isotope analysis (see last week’s column), avian influenza surveillance, college student hands-on training, marsh bird banding, hunting heritage days, children’s environmental education programs, bullfrog population studies, muskrat surveys and resource protection enforcement.
Following are the number of ducks banded dating to: 2015 – 2901 ducks banded; 2016 – 1578; 2017 – 1522; 2018 – 1819; 2019 – 2167; 2020 – cancelled.
Number fluctuations are due to a variety of reasons. As this program operates overnight, racing around in an airboat using floodlights, it is rather a challenge to both net an evasive diving duck while attempting not to be thrown into the water from a very maneuverable boat that can spin on a dime. Centrifugal force can be formidable. Of course hatch of the year conditions play a significant factor, plus timing of migration is just another of many other pertinent factors.