From the Bice Papers

FROM THE BICE PAPERS – Just Gripes (from 1976)

19. The Bice Cabin

If anyone who starts to read this does not like gripes or fault finding, better read something else. At this time of the year, with the weather so nice and summer just ahead a person should not be finding fault. Least of all me. But there are times you just have to get things off your chest.

I have lived more than my allotted span amongst the nicest people, in the nicest part of the nicest district, in the nicest province of the nicest and best country in the world. But, I still have a few gripes. Only thing, it is such a nice day I cannot get angry enough to put much zest into them.

Going to start with one of the daily papers. For several years it has seen fit to carry many letters from people who are anti-trapping, anti-hunting, even anti-fishing. Now people have a right to their opinions and this paper has the right to print what pleases them, but the people who hunt, trap and fish seldom get their side aired.

Recently there was a letter telling of a little dog caught in a trap that eventually died. There was no mention made of the circumstances but following that came more anti-trapping letters. Now I like dogs. Very much. In fact they would rank third after very young people and very old people, as a group that needs a bit more consideration and affection. But many dogs are killed every week by cars and other accidents. Since it was well after trapping season ended the trap was not set for a fur bearer. Perhaps set to catch a predator or prowler doing damage. But one thing is certain, if the dog had been home and properly looked after, it would not have been caught. But it did give the anti-crowd another round.

Next would be about the little campsite going into Algonquin Park and Rain Lake. The master plan calls for this campsite to be discontinued, only we are not given any reason. Most of the campers during the summer do little fishing, just wanting a spot in the woods by a nice lake. Not expensive and a lot of local people have a nice weekend there. If the present plans to phase out little camping spots are continued a lot of people will miss pleasant little camping trips.

Next would be the two week deer season, or rather 12 days, recently announced for most of Ontario. Deer conditions in East Parry Sound do not warrant such a long hunt. Hunters success in the last three falls have been so poor, less than five percent, that many thought that east of highway 11 should be closed for a couple of falls to both moose and deer hunting. Muskoka had only three days deer hunting in 1975 and this year it has been increased to six days. But they do have a few deer. West Parry Sound has a fair supply of deer but the east side has very few. Do not think anyone asked for a two week deer hunt and the one week to coincide with the moose hunt would have been plenty. Perhaps those who make the rules have a better knowledge than I.

The real gripe I have kept for the last. Late last summer the lumber company decided to cut some logs on their limit in McCraney Township. They were very careful going in, went on the old railway bed, rebuilt a bridge, and outside of the truck tracks there was no sign of logging. They came back to finish this spring and of course have to stop work inside Algonquin park come July 1st. Again, there was no disturbance. On Rain Lake we could hear the machinery but most of the visitors were weekenders when loggers were not working. For some reason it was decided they would work that area a couple of weeks more than they had planned and they were working close to the park line. Their “landing” was only a few hundred yards from their road, and they asked permission to draw their logs out that way. Their request was denied and they had to build a new road through one of the few places where deer have yarded in recent winters and there will be another unsightly slashing of trees and brush along a nice stretch of road, and another bridge. Rules are rules and maybe they have to be kept but when we are constantly told to cut costs and not spoil the environment it seems a bit out of place that a new road be built for a couple of weeks work, especially when it will be another scar on an otherwise pretty stretch of road. Many of us thought that the new road to Scott or Magnetewan Lake was the most ridiculous and unnecessary project that had been done but this must be even worse. Again, people in command must keep rules but this thing really is a blooper. Perhaps someone will explain why all this waste had to be.

So those are my gripes. Maybe I should have kept them to myself but there are times you just have to let the lid pop.


In democracy, it’s your vote that counts. In feudalism, it’s your count that votes.

Photo – the Bice cabin.

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