On February 15, 2020, the Ides of February, almost to this day of publication, I attended opening day celebrating the beginning of maple syrup season at Bata Maples which was symbolic of course, but not by much, as the sap began running by the end of that month. I don’t know if there is a connection but the local Mayor, M.P. and M.P.P. were all there as well. More symbolism?
I note that I bought my syrup on March 20, 2020 – then Covid hit.
Frank, a chemist by education and teacher by vocation, who also owns Bata Maples, tells me that the trees liked this winter and he anticipates a good yield. I have already placed my order.
When you think about the maples they are in the fresh air, socially distanced and providing positively good outdoor activity; something to emulate.

And Finally… Winston Churchill
“You can count on the Americans to do the right thing after they have tried everything else.”