The Catch & Release Deer There are always two sides to the coin when it comes to the last day of the season in deer camp. The anticipation of opening day is well past and the reality of the last day is sinking in. Another year has come and gone. Many of the guys you […]
Category: Memoirs
HOCKEY TALES – Dillabough, Fisher, Sittler, Clapper
REMINISCING by BARNEY MOORHOUSE Someday I intend to write my memoirs. Not an autobiography but a memoir. Simply because our individual memory banks can play tricks. Have you ever wondered, “Did this REALLY happen or am I imagining it?” Certainly it helps if there is someone available who can affirm or deny. In conversation with […]
MEMORIES OF CJNorthHastings – from 1975 A recent news item in The Bancroft Times rekindled the memory button within my grey matter for I was among the first on-air volunteers for CJNH AM radio in North Hastings. The station was an outreach of CJBQ in Belleville. As I recall George Robinson, recently retired at that […]
The Conclusion Diana couldn’t win a shooting contest without her glasses. Before she could pose with her rifle on her shoulder she had to look high and low for her spectacles. Her difficulty in remembering where she had laid them was one of her few signs of old age. “I’ve got to have them,” said […]
The Diana of mythology was an ancient Roman goddess of the hunt of both wild and domestic animals. Her Greek counterpart was Artemis. The following tale was penned by Robert C. Reade and published in the Toronto Star Weekly on Saturday, December 10, 1931. Reader Keith Jones sent this to me. With the aid of […]
FIRE TOWERS – North Hastings
FIRE TOWERS IN NORTH HASTINGS I have always had a fascination with fire towers. Due to their nature they were easily spotted. Rising at first light while guiding a canoe trip we crossed Lake Nipissing while the lake remained calm. Being a shallow, but large body of water, she could flare up at a moment’s […]
Kish-Kaduk In the early 1970s I was hired by the newly renamed MNR – previously Lands and Forests – to head up the District’s Junior Ranger program at Cashel Lake. As it so happened one of my colleagues had been involved with the camp when it was water access only and he had been there […]
PIERRE BERTON Like many I have turned to my library looking to re-read, or read, books that I have acquired over time. One such that popped out was by Pierre Berton called “Fast Fast Fast Relief”. I believe at one time I had collected and read most, if not all, of Berton’s books. As a […]
CAMPING WITH MICE The year was 1968 and we had put in at Sturgeon Falls in northern Ontario. We were heading out on a 15 day canoe trip that would eventually take us to an inlet on Georgian Bay called Naiscoot, near Point au Baril. I was guiding for Y.M.C.A. Camp Pine Crest. We had […]
DOWN MEMORY LANE No deer camp this year but recently I took a nostalgic day trip to enjoy what we used to call an Indian summer. According to Wikipedia, an Indian summer is a period of unseasonably warm, dry weather that sometimes occurs in autumn in temperate regions of the northern hemisphere during September to […]