MOTORS BANNED IN ALGONQUIN PARK by Ralph Bice From February 1, 1978 A few weeks back there was an announcement from the Ministry of Natural Resources that this summer the ruling to prohibit the use of outboard motors in Algonquin Park would be in effect for the open water season of 1978. This ruling had […]
Author: Barney
BACK IN HOSPITAL by Ralph Bice From January 25, 1978 Just some notes I wrote during my more than three weeks in the hospital. January 1. This is a heck of a time to now wish everyone a Happy New Year but that is how I started my little diary. I came by ambulance from […]
THE EIGHTH CONCESSION by Ralph Bice From Wednesday, January 18, 1978 I have been thinking about writing a story on this particular part of Bethune Township but there are so few people left who lived there years ago that it was difficult to come up with names of the early settlers and who was there […]
BIG TREES by Ralph Bice From Wednesday, January 4, 1978 In a recent issue of a local weekly paper there was an item telling of the largest and perhaps the oldest maple tree in Ontario. This tree is in the Niagara area and is estimated to be 450 years old. The exact age could only […]
REGATTA 1975 by Ralph Bice From August 6, 1975 In the early days the Kearney Annual Sports Day was all regatta. Times it was simply referred to as Civic Holiday. Those days are perhaps the best days we have in the whole year. And seem to be getting better each succeeding year. I do not […]
WOLF BOUNTIES by RALPH BICE From Wednesday, October 8, 1975 Thought I’d mention about the bounties that were paid for many years to anyone who had managed to capture, shoot or kill a wolf. Several people have written about when the bounties started but there are differences in the dates so I am not even […]
FROGS and THINGS by Ralph Bice From July 23, 1975 There are a number of signs that people look for after the warm days come in April (?) and we are looking ahead to summer. The first crows that are heard are always mentioned, the first Robins, and I believe next would be the first […]
ABOUT LOONS by Ralph Bice From Wednesday, June 4, 1975 Couple of issues back I entitled a column Geese and Loons, and then found out I had a lot to say about geese and never did get around to saying anything about loons. So this will make up for what I missed in that story. […]
GEESE and LOONS by Ralph Bice From May 14, 1975 I do not suppose there is anything that is more widely watched and talked about in the spring and fall than the migration flights of wild geese. The fall flights, while we are pleased to see them, have a bit of a sad tone for […]
ABOUT OSPREYS by Ralph Bice From November 1975 One of my earliest memories is of a tall dead pine tree that stood perhaps five hundred yards from our house. That was when we lived near Haliburton. But the interesting part of this particular dead tree was that there was an osprey’s nest on the very […]