Trail Camera[MP:02][TP:009C][IMEI:864049051274589]


THE ROSSEAU DEER HUNT 2023 In 2022 The Ridge Ranch Deer Camp had its last hunt. Jim Bamford, owner of the property, had died. Jim’s wish, following his death, was for the camp to have one last hunt. The coffers of the club were to cover the two week hunt’s expenses. Barry Austin and Jim […]

5. Agawa Canyon, Ontario


TO AGAWA CANYON by Ralph Bice               From June 20, 1979 Edna and I had a very pleasant trip last week. We went with the busload of seniors to Sault Ste. Marie and then up the Algoma Central to Agawa Canyon and returned. There were two nights spent at the Sheridan Caswell. We were asked […]

6. Canadian Mosquito


SPRING, and THE FLIES! By Ralph Bice                 From June 6, 1979 I imagine there are still a few who many years ago had to memorize a springtime poem in the senior third book (now grade 7). Gardeners are busy and soon there will be talk of cut worms, bugs, groundhogs and all the things […]

18b. Osprey


PLACES TO REMEMBER by Ralph Bice                 From January 25, 1979             One of the earliest things l remember was a tall pine stub that stood in the woods perhaps a mile from our house. It must have been a magnificent tree when growing for it seemed to stand so far above the rest of the […]



SNOWSHOES by Ralph Bice  From January 17, 1979 This is the time of year when people wear snowshoes. Some, because it gives them a bit of pleasure walking over clean snow and they can walk places they could not have gone when the ground was bare. Then, for some, snowshoes are an absolute necessity. It […]

1. Women's Institute


WOMEN IN MY LIFE by Ralph Bice From January 10, 1979 I hope when anyone sees the title l have chosen this week they will not think l have been reading those confession magazines and have decided to make a wholesale confession. I have thought just how much it meant to know these very friendly […]

21 A. August 30 2023 Blue Moon


LET THERE BE LIGHT by Ralph Bice  From December 20, 1978 Light is one of the very first things mentioned in the Volume of the Sacred Law. Almost at the beginning of creation we are told that the Maker said, “Let there be light.” Much further along in the Beatitudes we are advised to “Let […]

3.Josh And Wooly Bear 2023


WOOLLY BEAR WEATHER –November 2, 2023-11-02 No doubt you have encountered a woolly bear if you have spent any time out of doors of late. Woolly Bears, of course, are not really bears at all but the Isabella tiger moth in the making. There are approximately 260 species of tiger moth in North America and […]

20. Conservation


CONSERVATION by Ralph Bice From December 13, 1978 The word “conservation” has been bandied about so much the last few years that it is a bit hard at times to really understand what it means. I have looked for the meaning several times in different dictionaries and they are usually about the same. The copy […]