5. YT Canoe At Cabin


Muskoka, the Kawarthas and other areas such as the Haliburton Highlands are suffering the growing pains of affluence and overpopulated cities. Man is beginning to realize that the natural environment is there for the enjoyment. No longer is it the dedicated hunter or fisherman who braves the weather and insects to reach the interior of darkest North America. Campers of all varieties and all ages are finding camping to their liking.  The horticulturist finds a great number pf species for study while the camera buff patiently seeks out that special photograph.

With such a varied number of folk flooding the forest a greater awareness has arisen concerning the threat of pollution to that to which they are becoming attached. Large companies are being fined for polluting rivers, lakes, streams and the very air that we breathe. However, let us not error in making these large companies the “scape goats”.  Yes, we must keep a check on them and our pollution laws must be tougher but is it practical to suggest jail sentences? If so, who in the Ontario government will serve time for the Ontario Hydro Company? This is not a feasible solution nor is it realistic for it does not solve the problem. It is not practical. The solution’s success hinges on our ability to A – keep industry in check and this necessitates legislation in order to compel local governments to act (as in Sudbury);and B- keep the individual, i.e., ourselves, in check.

2. Wiki Canoe Pic

In my mind the second suggestion is undoubtedly the harder to enact for we are by natures seemingly egotistically self-centered and selfish to our own detriment. My experiences, whether they be in the city or country, have led me to this conclusion. As my chief concern is for our Northland consider this:

1. The group out for a good time finds a secluded spot in the bush and litters it with their garbage ranging from beer bottles to tin cans.

2. The fly-by-night fisherman, cottage camper or picnicer who leaves waste in a pile of rubbish.

3. The fisherman who pollutes the lakes and rivers while trolling. Surely, one can paddle or row much more quietly at the ideal speed without the motor and be more healthy for the exercise?

4. The cottager on a small lake who insists on having a motor boat when a canoe would suffice. Small lakes are susceptible to quick pollution if there are a lot of people overusing it.

5. The individual who is too cheap or lazy to install or maintain proper plumbing.

All of these people find an aesthetic pleasure in their environment whether it be for the beauty or seclusion yet each seems to believe in the pioneer principle that the land is endless, inexhaustible and to be conquered. Canada is the big land but soon it will be the polluted littered land which, once lost, can never be totally reclaimed.

In my past fifteen years of associations with boys camps as counselor, handyman, section director and guide, it has always been my experience to contribute to this land of ours. As a camper I was taught to be considerate of others by leaving a clean campsite and a supply of wood for the next group. As a guide I tried to pass this tradition on to both counsellors and campers.  We took our garbage with us; sometimes to a cottager who could dispose of it at a dump. At this point I would like to stress the cottager-canoeist relationship. In the past many cottagers have has a belligerent attitude towards canoe trippers and I can appreciate their point of view. But I hasten to point out that a few bad apples always spoil that perverebial barrel. Please be more tolerant for these boys for the most part make a positive contribution maintaining our environment under proper leadership. Keep a proper check on these groups if they are permitted to camp on your property and contact their camp Director is need be. 

3. OODs Photo

Remember, whether you be a hunter, fisherman, photographer or camper – if you look after your environment it will flourish in a healthy state for you enjoyment, your children’s enjoyment and your grandchildren’s enjoyment forever.

I wrote that in 1970. Has much changed?



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