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A.A. with Thanks


There is a group of older gentlemen who had a positive impact on my life although they will never know as it wasn’t instantaneous.

After my school year at university ended, usually in later May, I would gather my belongings and head north to work at Y.M.C.A. Camp Pine Crest, near Torrance, Bala if you prefer to be part of the pre-camp crew. Our task was to have the camp in ship shape for the arrival of campers.

One year, during pre-camp, the Y hosted a group of men from Alcoholics Anonymous. One evening they suggested that we have a baseball game of 3-pitch. Sounded like fun and it was.

Now these gentlemen, for gentle they were, were challenged trying to cover the bases. Mobility was not their strong point thanks in part to the ravages of too much alcohol. We, on the other hand, were young athletic males with much vim and vigour. One of the guys went on to represent Canada at the Olympics in wrestling and later became an Olympic commentator for the CBC at the wrestling venue.

However, these guys could hit and place the ball anywhere they wished. In short they had many skills that we lacked and hence they won the game. 

Over the years I have thought about these men from AA and what great ambassadors they were for it occurred to me that once they too were young and look how their lives had turned out; all thanks to alcohol. What a shame. What a trajedy.

As it has turned out I took their plight to heart and subconsciously stayed away from alcohol. As ambassadors for A.A. I give them full marks and my belated thanks.

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