3b. Portaging A.P.


ANOTHER FISHING TRIP by Ralph Bice      August 1973

Since I started writing these columns I have several times written about an old party, I mean they are old in point of making yearly or twice yearly trips, and this will be about another such trip. This is the second time they have been along for a short trip, and both times the weather has been perfect. They have been here so often, sometimes in groups of eight or ten fishermen, but usually just four. There are no arrangements to make, just a phone call settling dates, and everyone knows where we are going, and where we are going to camp. This time the usual campsite was taken but we found another close by only since this spot had never been used before it took a bit of work to make it a good spot to stay.


The fishing was not too good though we had fish to eat and almost the count to take home. But it meant a lot of paddling. One thing that was nice was the fact that few people were on Butt Lake the day we fished there. For the last few years there has been such a crowd of people on the lake that it was nice to feel that it really was back in the woods. As I said we worked hard for a few fish but such a pleasant day and so nice on the water that no one complained. This is one of the few parties that still want guides when they go into the woods, that it is nice when they enjoy the outing so much and while they like to catch fish that is not the main object of the trip to the woods. Only thing is there are fewer of these parties every year. When I first guided in the Park there were on this railroad alone well over 150 guides, counting all the various camps. There are probably less than a dozen now all told, and most if not all of these only guide part time.

This has not been a good fishing season. Even in the spring when the fishing is usually the best many people came out without a full catch and now it is really bad. Perhaps the hot spell had something to do with the poor success but from talking to people from other areas it looks like the fishing is not too hot anywhere.

Still very few deer signs. Some are reported being seen and there are bunches in widely separated areas. Not so many moose as early in the season. Not many bears in the woods though apparently one has been troubling some of the campers at Butt Lake. At Sand Lake dump there are several bears some of them a good size. In fact I was there one night and I think one of the bears was about the largest bear I ever saw.


Once I mentioned the loon’s nest in plain view at Beaver Lake. Both eggs hatched and the small ones were often seen. Now there is only one. Was told today one had been killed by a man with a paddle. Must have been some thrill killing a baby loon with such a club.

Last week a car load of boys (there was a man in charge) looking for lodgings. They had planned on tenting but there had been a lot of rain and still raining. So we sent them to one of the camps along the road into Rain Lake. Next day he came back and asked if they might stay the weekend as the boys were enjoying it there. I told him several places the boys could perhaps see moose, perhaps even deer, and where they might do some fishing. When he was leaving he asked where he might see some rabbits as he knew them, only the varying hare or snowshoe rabbit. He told me he did not care but only wanted one for the pot. He also volunteered the information that he has seen a partridge along the road but had failed to get a shot at it. So I asked him if he knew the game laws and he told me that he had read them once but felt that once north of Barrie he would be able to do as he pleased. So I hastened to explain, and not too gently, that hunting in any form was illegal in this area and he promised me he would  put his rifle back in its case and not take it out.

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This man was a leader of some group and was taking these boys out for a weekend. But surely anyone who has the time and willingness to work with a bunch of boys should not encourage them to be law breakers. Brings to mind the young man who took a group of boys on a hunting expedition some years ago and two of them froze to death. This trip too was after all hunting had legally ended. Seems odd that people who go into the woods would not have at least a bit of knowledge of the regulations.

So far not an entry in any of the large fish contests. Did hear of a nice bass caught opening weekend, supposedly over six pounds, but the lucky angler was in such a hurry to get his catch to a taxidermist he did not take the time to enter it. Years ago it was not unusual to hear of five pound speckles or twenty-five pound lake trout but it looks like those days are gone. But at least the lakes and the woods are still nice.   


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