25. Deer


Deer hunting … 1973 by Ralph Bice  October 3, 1973 An Historical Insight This last week I talked to a number of deer hunters and the topic of conversation always turns to the prospects for the deer hunting season this fall. That last several falls have not been too encouraging. Deer have declined steadily the […]



JUST DEER by Ralph Bice   August 8, 1973 In spite of the fact that a few places have deer, not many but some, they are still very scarce back in the woods. Have been told of several areas close to settlements where there are a few. Some have been seen back in the woods but […]

3b. Portaging A.P.


ANOTHER FISHING TRIP by Ralph Bice      August 1973 Since I started writing these columns I have several times written about an old party, I mean they are old in point of making yearly or twice yearly trips, and this will be about another such trip. This is the second time they have been along for […]

1c. Jack Miner


ODDS & ENDS by Ralph Bice October 31, 1973   At least once a year, sometimes oftener, I receive copies of the pamphlets that are sent out by the Jack Miner Foundation. I imagine the main reason is to raise funds though from what I hear they are doing very well as financing goes. They […]



MORE ABOUT CONSERVATION by Ralph Bice October 24, 1973 Some time soon I expect perhaps a number of people to suggest that I stop finding too much fault with some items that appear in the daily and weekly papers. As long as there appears so many articles off the mark pertaining to the outdoors I […]

20. Hwy60 Park Deer


THE LAST DEER by Ralph Bice 1973 This is a true story. It happened quite a few years ago and there are still a few around who remember that it did happen, though noone seems to be able to tell the exact year. Since both of these old people are long gone the time really […]

19 B.Bice Cabin


MUST THE COTTAGES GO? October 1973 by Ralph Bice I did attend a meeting in Huntsville when the powers that be apparently just wanted to talk about getting the logging and cottagers out of Algonquin Park. I have had a lease since 1930. My latest renewal makes it one of the last to go. I […]

18 A. Fishing


LOOKING BACK by RALPH BICE December 19, 1973 It seems so long ago that Morry Barr decided that he would become a newspaper man. I was sitting on the Regional Tourist Council along with Morry and a number of others when he told us of his new venture. I suggested that it might be a […]