ELK HUNT 2011 September 19-25. At Bancroft F&G Protective Ass’n until Monday 26.
DAY 1 – September 19
While travelling from Hartsmere to Carlow in search of elk & hunters I missed the first 2 elk to arrive at the voluntary check in station at the Bancroft F&G Protective Ass’n. The first 70? Elk arrived at Gin (Ginn) Lake in 2000. Another 50 during winter of 2001. Then all re-introductions were halted in concern for CWD by MNR. Weight scales at voluntary check station good to 1000 lbs., accurate to .5 lbs. (Steve Lawrence MNR technician).
- 6×7 BULL – 505 lbs. Lower Turriff – Colbourne Rd. –no details – WMU 61 IWT (I wasn’t there). Steve Lapp & father Hal & Kevin Shannick (the 4th not recorded) – from Courtice – Fred Roy is property owner.- shot the bull at 8:15 am.
- 7×7 BULL – 663 lbs. (301 kg) field dressed – WMU 57 Fraser Lake (permission from Scott Wilson ?)- John Keindel of Pakenham, On., shot at 7:02 am; 300 Mag at 60-70 yards – used a bugle followed by a cow call. Four in group incl. brother but no names – Hunt TV filmed it with Len McRitchie providing commentary. “We’re here a lot sooner than any of us expected. But we’re here because this herd had the fastest growth of all others in Ontario. In fact, it had the fastest growth of any re-introduction in North America.” Quote by Len also used at elk appreciation luncheon.
- 5×6 BULL Cemetery Rd. Mayo -501 lbs. Pic- left to right – Chris Enwood (4 year hunter); Ben Gibson (35 years hunting), a hunter Ed. Instructor; Al Glover –seal holder/shooter (30 years hunting) vaglover@xplornet.com;Greg MacLellan (35 yrs.)WMU 61- Cedar Ridge Camp – owner Peter Ruys de Perez; shot Sept. 19/11 (opening day); at 8:50 am. Using .300 Winchester Magnum 180 grain bullet. SCOUTING KEY – would like tag earlier for more serious scouting! Excellent facility to stay; treated very well; would go back.
CWD – Elk Station – cows & bulls – Altho CWD can be found in fawn DEER it is more prevalent in adult deer. Also measured back leg length, back fat, length of rack and diameter of tines = indicates health of animal before dying!
- 5×6 BULL 481 lbs. WMU 61 Harvest Area 5 east of Mephisto (Little Devil if you prefer) Members: Larry Harvey (Seal) LHarvey1@cogeco.ca, Bert Rollings (shooter); Richard Harvey & John Lowes – all from Ptboro/Norwood
Harvey elk
Donated head to OFAH Mario Cortellucci Centre
Larry -52 years hunting; Bert – 44 yrs.; Richard – 44 yrs; & John – 44 yrs.
Camped on Egan Creek Rd.
To IMPROVE – Tag says “legal adult bull” – what does that mean – Hunting regs state must be more than one year old – needs clarification – Erin – “includes 15 month yearling”
Wanted to be able to call MNR for good tips where to hunt.
GUN – Ruger 77 MK11 30.06 180 grains – Federal.
SCOUTING !!!! do your homework – earlier tag makes this easier.
PIC – Larry (left) & Bert (rt)
Bert used a Primo cow call. Thot the bull would run him down. Even a cow responded to the call. Bert got so excited after the kill he forgot to turn his radio on to tell the others. He noted that on his goat farm always had to trim hooves of goats. The elk hooves were perfectly trimmed and smooth.
- 6×7 BULL Area 5 WMU 61 shot at 6:00 pm 19 – 571 lbs.
Stayed at Bowers’ Camp – Steve Abernethy (of Beeton) and son Daniel (age 21) hunting partners, abernethyjude@aol.com; phone 905.729.2778. Father held seal & was shooter; Father has hunted 28 yrs; Dan.- 9 years – a farmer/carpenter; Would have liked tag earlier for scouting; Rifle- 30.06 165 grain one shot – no indication elk was hit – didn’t flinch – went 50 yds then dropped – lung shot. Chesher’s Outdoor store recommended Barry Bowers; Scouted Sunday – bugling Sunday, Mon. opening day a.m. all was quiet. Then got windy and rain came – no use calling. No bull. “Should have tied to a tree” Then bull showed up. Like a classic hunt – by appt. “More elk there than MNR think” he said. Sign tous. Like a barnyard. The area stunk; well worn paths. Called Chesher’s Outdoor Store who recommended calling outfitter Barry Bowers.

- 6×6 BULL WMU 61 Unit 6 657 lbs. Glenn McLean (seal holder); Claude Peppin (shooter), Dean Pattemore & Bruce Mighton – on Crown Land – camping – lots of pre-season scouting and also private landowner permission should it be required – No calling required for bull. .270, 150 grain shot just before the rain on Sept. 19 – opening day – at 2:45 pm.

- 7×8 BULL “horns are solid bone “ MNR; butcher est. at 650 lbs. Not to spoil meat went to butcher first; returned with head for CWD info. Shot on way to stand – Perhaps by most senior hunter Richard Rossatte (age 86) father to Rick and Robert – 4th member Joe the Elkman Neuhold – at Sept. 19 6:15 pm with a 30.06 170 grain WMU 61 – sprinkling, light mist – Joe was seal holder.
- COW Natasha Ellis – awaiting information – Received Fri. Sept. 23/11 – pics to large as yet to accept – Hunters included Natasha – seal holder /shooter; Fiance Maclean Foster & Chris Newitt – Jeff Conlin? Outfitter?
Killed at 7:20 am Sept. 19/11, near White Lake – wt. approx. 450 lbs.
Positive Comments – “Unbelievably awesome experience”; Knowing the area we were aware of the need of this hunt and how well the population is in Bancroft. We are happy to be a part of this historical hunt and honored to be a part of the first elk hunt in Ontario.
Constructive Criticism:
-Land owner permission should have been required like most conventional hunts. In the event of Crown land, applicants should apply with the lot and concession of the crown land they wish to hunt.
– Non-local hunters were unaware of the area and the surroundings causing possible danger to other hunters and residence.
– MNR representatvies were unorganized, confused with the payment process, Licenses were sent last minute, and in some cases too late. more knowlegde and training needed.
– Hats for Hides should be available at the time.
-The time of year of the season is warm therefore hunters must act fast before the meat spoils.
– All Licenses should be random and in the event of selecting special hunters should be publicized prior to the application.
- At voluntary check point in Cloyne – I COW, 1 BULL – no details
TOTAL Day 1 Monday Sept. 19 – 8 BULL 2 COW